Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Funday Funnies: Forever Young

Sunday Funday Forever Young Giggles… 

You ever wonder what the secret is to looking youthful? 
Well, here's the only Beauty tip that Goldan has to offer… SLEEP!!! And lots of it!!! I've used this regime for years and it seems to work quite well… (smirk) LOL!!! 

Seriously! It's true!!! 


Some may call it 'lazy', I like to call it 'Beauty rest'… Let's just be honest, not all of us can afford the best of the best anti-aging beauty creams or cosmetic surgeries or any of that fancy stuff to keep us looking youthful. But a good 8 to 12 hrs of sleep (if possible) can work wonders… 
I know, I know, not everyone has the luxury of getting 8hrs of sleep or 12 for that matter. When you're a wife, mother, business woman, juggling all that you can, sometimes 6hrs of sleep is unheard of. Trust me, I understand. But if time permits itself, sleep hunny!… 

I finally reached an age where I stare in the mirror looking for wrinkles, comparing pictures from my younger days to now. Wondering if I'm beginning to lose my youthful looks with each Birthday that passes. Then, I'm reminded when I step outside and have to show my I.D. others are amazed how young I look for my age. I'm asked quite frequently, "how do you look so young?" My response is always, "I sleep a lot". My friends think I'm crazy for sleeping as much as I do and no I'm not missing out on life when I do sleep for 12hrs. I'm simply preserving my smile… HA! 

I always wanted to look like Halle Berry when I became an adult in the sense of how young she's always looked and saying to myself, "I want to look as young as she does when I reach her age". Well, baby-yyy… Let me tell ya, I found her secret - SLEEP!!!! I mean without the fancy beauty creams and stuff… LOL!!! 

However, 'beauty sleep' won't necessarily keep you flawless but it can keep you looking youthful. Not getting enough sleep? In my opinion, could possibly have you looking like Rumpelstilskin or the the Crypt Keeper or even Lindsay Lohan in your 30's… oops! 
Hardknock life… (shrugs) 

But if you're looking for flawless youthful skin, then we all know, drinking plenty of water can be the trick. For dry skin, try a moisturizer. And if you're anything like myself, your body needs to intake more than just Pepsi and M&M's for breakfast, lunch and dinner.… Otherwise, you'll have this youthful rocky road look and we'll be twins!!! Yasssssss!!! Twinnies!!! 

Pssssst… Somehow that twinnies comment now has me thinking of Twinkies... HA! 

Moral of the Story: In order to have that Forever Young, youthful look we all want without spending the big bucks -

It wouldn't hurt to watch your diet either if you're looking to be 'flawless'...

There you have it! The only Beauty tip I know and use. Well, for the most part… 

Without seeing my hands, can you guess how old I am? 


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