Who's Got Style!?!?!! We've Got Style!!!
You ever have those days where you just can't decide what to wear? Maybe feeling like you need a new wardrobe because you no longer like anything in your closet?
How about we just allow someone else in our closet to give us a different way to look at it…
Can we say, "Style not Swag on Chic Street!?!"
College friends just want to hang out…
And… styled by Goldan Blue…
His Look: Over the phone with Goldan… HA!
What kind of shorts do you have? Khakis, Cargo, what you got? What type of button down shirts do you have? Short-sleeve, long-sleeve? Jean shirt? Got Loafers?
Jean shirt, Army Cargo shorts, and Loafers… Perfect for the young gentlemen to lounge in on a Summer afternoon…
Her Look: Staying true to Chic Street…
The Faux Leather Tube skirt, Muscle-tee and Pumps!!!
2Pac Rollin with Pastel colors for a simple but Edgy, Chic ensemble…
CONFESSION: As a Stylist, there are lots of times where I look for inspiration outside of my own creative space and this day was one of them… KP to the RESCUE!!! (sigh…)
The Look: Shorts, Sheer Blouse and the Pumps with Socks!!!
P.S. I've actually been wanting to try this British look for quite some time…
Edgy, Chic, Haute and Goldan!!!
Pumps with Socks!?!?!!
Yes, Pumps with Socks!!!
Personally, I LOVE this look she did!!! The only request I made was the Pumps with Socks and KP brought it to life!!!!
So, what are your thoughts? Can you dig it? HA!
KP Outfit Details:
Faux Leather Tube Skirt - Zara
Muscle Tee - Forever21
Pumps - Rue21
Hair - FishTail Pony
Bag - Cute (HA!)
Goldan Outfit Details:
Blouse - Something Chic I picked up in ATX (shrugs…)
Shorts - GAP
Pumps with Socks - Steve Madden
Hair - Twist-out Fro
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