Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#StyleIsMyThing… Dress Like A Lady!

On today's episode of - The Haute Report, we're featuring one of our favorite Style Bloggers/Freelance Stylist/Personal Shopper - Soraya De Carvalho of Style is My Thing!!! 

I'm sure we could all use a little inspiration from time to time, I know I could. So, let's all pull out our notebooks and take notes on how to 'Dress like a Lady'… 

The Haute Report - Where Fashion meets Style and Chic meets the Streets and that's exactly what Soraya does for us on her blog… 


Sophisticated, Chic, Haute, Fabulous and Classy is what a Lady should like (even if it's a quick run to the Supermarket) HA! 

I know what you're thinking… Grocery Shopping in heels!?!! Yes! Although, Soraya has admitted to her followers that in real life she normally doesn't grocery shop in 5 inch heels and most of us don't but that doesn't mean it's a no-no… 
I'm definitely guilty of shopping in 5 inch heels more than I do flats… *shrugs* 

We absolutely adore this ensemble!!! 

Dress like a Lady no matter what the adventure!!! 


We LOVE what we see EACH and EVERY time we check her out!!! 

Soraya reminds us that you don't have to be Hollywood to be Glam-Glamorous and as the famous CoCo Chanel once said, "A girl should be two things: Classy & Fabulous"….

When I grow up - I wish to dress just like this but of course, Goldan Blue Style!!!! *wink* 

Chic Street Beat!!! 

You know that old saying, "I could show you better than I could tell you"? So, there's really no need to continue blabbing… LOL!!! 


Dress Like A Lady, Act Like A Woman!!! 

Style Is My Thing says it ALL for our edition on Dress Like A Lady!!!! 

What I LOVE and ADORE the most!?!! Seeing the elegance of a woman through her own personal style… The Carrie Bradshaw vibe but instead Soraya De Carvalho!!!! 

Fierce! Haute! Sexy! Fabulous! 

I couldn't even begin to show you or tell you how inspired The Haute Report gets when we see Soraya with her Style Is My Thing. So, we figured we'd share with you all some styles that really inspire us… 
Ladies, do you get the picture here? 
Anyone taking notes other than myself!?! 

And I'm sure I don't even have to say it, especially if you follow The Haute Report, you definitely get my point here… TOODLES!!! 

To see more of Soraya check her out on social media @StyleIsMyThing or simply visit her blog @

Oh, yeah! Don't forget to follow us, too!!! 

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IG: http://instagram.com/GoldanBlueStyle
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